Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Facts To Know About A Glass Nebulizer

Diffusion is the process in which the oils are broken into the smaller particles and then are dispersed in the room to fill the area with the natural and soothing fragrance. There are many ways of diffusing the essential oils (like candle diffusion, heat diffusion, steam diffusion, etc.) and different types of diffusers have been manufactured depending on these diffusion methods. Here, in this write-up, we are going to discuss a particular diffuser type which is glass nebulizer.

Working off a nebulizing diffuser?

A nebulizing diffuser is manufactured by using a handcrafted hardwood base which is paired with a pyrex glass. This kind of diffuser is best for those who along with experiencing the fantastic aroma, also want to get full health benefits of the pure essential oils. Glass nebulizers neither need heat nor they make use of water for the diffusion of the oil.

The small tube is used to force air in the diffuser which increases the velocity and decreases the pressure at the exit point. A kind of suction is created due to this pressure difference, which in turn causes the oil (within another glass tube) to rise upwards. As a result, essential oil got hit by pressurized air and get atomized into the small particles which fill the glass reservoir. Then these particles rise up and are emitted out of the glass cap. As a result of this, the mist is released into the room. The remaining oil particles return to the bottom and the same cycle is repeated until the oil in the diffuser base is diffused completely.

Why nebulizing is considered as the best way of diffusion?
There are significant reasons behind this consideration. Here are those reasons:
  • When you use a glass nebulizer, then the oil blend is not diluted by adding water. As no humidification takes place, this method is considered as the much more powerful.
  • Nebulizer diffusers don't use heat for the oil diffusion. This keeps the chemical structure of the essential oils unaltered, which is turn lets the users gain all the therapeutic benefits from the oil. The unchanged properties ensure the 100% therapeutic value to the users.
  • As mentioned above, the glass essential oil diffuser is made from wood and glass. As oil does not make any contact with the plastic, its particles reach you in the natural state and deliver the original therapeutic benefits.
  • The non-heating process makes this types of diffusers safe to use.
In short, the glass nebulizers lets you get all the required benefits of the essential oils without any hassle or risks that other diffusers can bring. So, they are just perfect to use.